这是一种机械工程学原理缠绕,可以在中间套入物体后自由滑动和把玩的小玩具,最近在国内外火得一塌糊涂,刷爆ins, YouTube, 抖音,相关视频点击率飙升。
- 304食品级不锈钢,环保不掉色
- 外表镜面抛光处理,圆润光滑,增加触感及视感
- 脑洞大开,玩出新花样,多种玩法等你来战!
- 收起后直径约13cm
Flow Ring (Kinetic Spring Toy)
Tap it, and it "explodes" into what looks like a metallic soap bubble. Do it with your arm in the middle and it will roll and flow up and down. You can even join hands and pass it to friends.
The Flow Ring is a crazy fun kinetic object which enchants you to play with it and makes your insides giggle with delight. Magical is the only word we can think of to describe it, other than all these other words here. Get a Flow Ring, go outside, and just play.
- For Ages 8 and up.
- Pop it open and marvel in its mathematical awesomeness. Roll it down your arm, a pole, transfer to other people.
- Kinetic, fluid and awesome.
- Folds flat for easy transport.
- Handmade from a single stainless steel band and carefully balanced.
- Dimensions: approx. 13cm diameter when flat.
Not include instructions.