Out Of Stock 筋手指 by 简子 Touch by Hanson Chien

Touch by Hanson Chien 筋手指 .


台灣知名魔術師-Hanson Chien (簡子),  為國內數一數二的近距離魔術好手, 也是最優秀的魔術創作者. 其Touch 影片在網路曝光後, 立即在國內外造成話題. 而在經過長達半年的醞釀與籌備下, Touch (筋手指) 教學DVD終於在萬眾矚目下誕生了!

Hanson Chien在本DVD當中, 除了完整示範與詳細教學Touch之外, 更另外收錄了多達11種未公開的獨創橡皮筋程序! 可以說是個個經典, 招招見血! 完全不保留的程度, 連魔術魂有限公司創辦人Hondo都不禁要問: "一下子把強招全放進去, 以後的DVD還有東西可以放嗎?" 而許多國際級大師, 在看了本DVD之後, 也都給予極高的評價! 如果你喜歡生活化的魔術, 如果你喜歡橡皮筋的魔術, 如果你願意支持台灣創作的魔術, 那你一定要買Touch(筋手指)!

本品內含: 原版 Touch (筋手指)DVD x 1 + 創意 x 無限

DVD內容簡介: (片長2小時08分, 全中文發音, 含英日語字幕)

- Touch
(本招與Will Tsai的Kiss效果相仿, 但運作過程可以說是完全不同! 簡子在本DVD當中完整呈現了本招如何在觀眾眼前設定並完成表演, 解說部分更是巨細靡遺)


- Ghost Slink
本招結合了Dan Harlan的P'link以及Daniel Garcia的Slink,讓橡皮筋在觀眾眼前直接穿進與穿出,觀眾絕對不會信自己的已經看到了什麼!

- Ghost Palm
知名魔術師簡銘宣讚嘆此招︰「穿透時有一種很舒服的感覺!」本招的靈感源自於David Jade的《Pixel》,全程在觀眾手上進行演出,並且讓他們親自體驗橡皮筋穿透手掌的那一瞬間,全新的橡皮筋魔術體驗。

- Ghost Finger
橡皮筋在手指間自穿透,即使觀眾握住了你的手指,橡皮筋仍然可以穿進、穿出,甚至你可以拿觀眾的手指來進行穿透!除了強烈的視覺效果外,你將帶給觀眾前所未有的魔術體驗!橡皮筋大師Dan Harlan亦讚嘆這招的效果以及巧思!

- Crazy Hanson's Handcuffs
本招最初的靈感,源自於台灣魔術師 Hondo《奶油橡皮筋》當中”串聯”的效果,因此江湖中亦有人稱這招為手法版奶油橡皮筋,同時也是簡子的橡皮筋得意技。兩條橡皮筋,由如電影特效一般穿進、穿出,帶給觀眾強烈的視覺衝擊。

- Crazy Magician's Handcuffs

- Infinity Linkage
本招與Touch同時列為近景創作新星Calen Morelli讚不絕口的狠招。無論你是想要橡皮筋串聯橡皮筋、串戒指、串髮圈,甚至是髮圈互相串聯,都可以用這招來表演。不用任何事前設定,而且可以在觀眾面前做的非常非常緩慢,直接在他眼皮底下串聯進去。結尾亦非常具有殺傷力,橡皮筋直接在觀眾眼前穿透出來,相信你絕對會愛上這招。

- Missing Linkage
在表演完兩條橡皮筋串聯與分離的效果後,將橡皮筋放在觀眾手中緊緊握住,最後橡皮筋卻在一瞬間轉移到魔術師的手中或是口袋裡! 全程只需要用到兩條橡皮筋,過程乾淨,效果直接。

- Flash Band


“I LOVE Touch. You have some nice ideas there I liked Touch and Infinity Linkage the most. Keep it up man.” — Calen Morelli

“Touch from Hanson Chien contains material which every fan of rubber band magic will enjoy. The title effect, "Touch" and "Ghost Finger" are my favorites, but there's so much here for every style. You simply must get Touch.” — Dan Harlan

“Great Material!I think you have wonderful material and have added some great things to the Magic community.” — Joe Rindfleisch

“The only word to describe "Touch DVD" is AWESOME!In the whole DVD, not only Touch but also the other band tricks are creative and classic. It really touches my heart deeply!” — Hondo(紅豆)

“Hanson Chien is our pride, a pride of Taiwan's magic society. His creation always arouses my anticipation and then amazes me!He truly understands the real meaning of "Magic" — simplicity, impromptu, and visualization. After witnessing Hanson Chien's magic live, the only thing I can say is "Touch" is undoubtedly the sensational piece of rubber band magic. 2 thumbs up!Are you ready to get Touch?“ — James Jien(簡銘宣)

“It is amazing!"Touch" is the best band trick DVD I have seen. No complicated procedures and no special preparation, but you can give the audience a great surprise. I like these effects very much, and is planning to join these into my professional performance.” — Shiro Ishida(石田小白)

“I think your magic is special, and I enjoyed watching it very much and I think you are a very, very intelligent magician.” — Joshua Jay

“**************************************************************************” —Michael Ammar
(礙於Michael Ammar與L&L合約因素, 他不能為非L&L以外的產品背書, 馬賽克的部分敬請見諒)

筋手指 by 简子 Touch by Hanson Chien

  • Product Code: ECS010381
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • RM18.00
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